
Notes for Codefellows Code 401 301 201 and 102

Duckett HTML book: Chapter 2: “Text” (pp.40-61)

heading and paragraphs bold, italic, emphasis <bold><italic><em><strong> structural and semantic markup h1,p,… vs em,strong,blockquote, q(within paragraph””), abbr,cite,defn,s(strikethrout) html elements are used to describe the structure of the page (h1,p)

there are also semantic tags that provide semantic info (em, defn)

white space is being collapsed br linebreak forced and hr line through

comments in html by using ctr ? produces <!--a line of comment in html using Emmet-->

block elements

start on a new line

inline elemnts

are displayed on the same text/display line

example div, ul, ol, li vs a-tag, span, strong, em, img tags

iframes havent used these yet - interesting for map display - display another website in a window

meta tags

tell us about the page - seo - live inside the head tags - not visible on page (unless ctrl U in chrome) - commonly used with name and content attributes example <meta name="description" content="Reading Notes on code102-session04-html" /> name=keywords, name=robots

&#60, &#62 special characters used to display reserved characters for code alled escape characters

Chapter 10: Ch.10 “Introducing CSS” (pp.226-245)

what CSS does how CSS works rules, properties, values

CSS treats each HTML element as if it appears inside its own box and uses rules 2 indicate how that element should look;

rules R made up of selectors(3 main type of selectors - element, class, ID) and declarations (what these elements should look like);

declarations R made up of 2 parts:

3 ways to set css

  1. in header link href=”style.css” rel=”stylesheet”
  2. in html header between style tags
  3. inline with each element (not recommended!!!)

block elements (take up all space they can per line, cause a page break - h1,p,div) vs inline (snuggle up - a,b,i,img,em,span)

cascading style sheet - rule cascades down to

font-family and color are inherited most others are no but can be made to w propererty value inherit (padding: inherit - from parent element)

Duckett JS book: Chapter 2: “Basic JavaScript Instructions” (pp.53-84)

scripts R series of statements; like a recipe; scripts are very precise instructions eg a value has to be specified before it can be remembered;

// or /mmmm/ for comments;

Expressions and Operators

an expression results in a single value - 2 types
expressions rely on operators to calculate a value;

variables are used to temporarily store data stored in the script arrays are special types of variables that store more than 1 piece of info JS distinguishes between - numbers(0-9) , strings(text - must b written on 1 line - open and closing quotes must b the same) , Boolean (t/f) assignment operator; take right side and put it in bucket - variable;

var (variable key word) price; price = 3; OR write var price = 3; var quantity = 14; var total = quantity * price; var el = document.getElementById('cost'); el.textContent = '$' + total; like a css tag the docwrite grabs the id=”cost” element; the el.textContent - writes this into it (and it could even include sth like a <h1> tag);

naming convention for variables: must begin with letter, $ or _ NOT a number must contain letter, numbers, $ or _ mmmmm NOT - NOT . NOT keywords or reserved words eg var caseSensitive use a name that describes whats stored firstName lastName (camelCase)

array stores a list of variables (>1);

Chapter 4: “Decisions and Loops” only up to the section on switch statements (pp.145-162)

looking at flowchart - browser will run different code in different situations

conditional statements allow your code 2 make decisions about what 2do next; comparison operators R used 2 compare 2 operands (===, !==, ==, !==, <,>,<=,=>); logical operators (&&, ||, !) allow us 2 combine > than 1 set of comparisons; if….else statements allow us 2 run 1 set of code if a condition is true and another if its false;
