
Notes for Codefellows Code 401 301 201 and 102

Duckett HTML book:

Chapter 3: “Lists” (pp.62-73)

3 types of html lists

Lists can be nested inside each other

Chapter 13: “Boxes” (pp.300-329)

CSS treats each HTML element as if it has its own box; you can use CSS 2 control the dimensions of the box; U can also control the borders, margins, padding for each w CSS; You can hide elements using display and visibility properties AND opacity; block level boxes can b made inline and inline into block; legibility can be improved by controlling the width of boxes containing text; create image borders and rounded borders (love these);

Duckett JS book:

Review from Reading 02 - Chapter 2: “Basic JavaScript Instructions” (pp.70-73)

Arrays store >1 value (lists of it); colors = ['white', 'black', 'custom']; var itemThree = colors[2]; index is calling the 3rd file from list; var numColors = colors.length ----- returns how many items in the list

Chapter 4: “Decisions and Loops” from switch statements on (pp.162-182)

each repeats a set of statements;