Notes for Codefellows Code 401 301 201 and 102
source When a change of any of those attributes would trigger a separate kind of action such as CHANGE_EMAIL or CHANGE_NAME. And sometimes such granularity is good and sometimes it might be much easier for reducers if they can distinguish between those two particular use-cases.
source This is a nono, you should avoid dispatching several times synchronously in a row in the places where you’re concerned about performance. There are a number of addons and approaches that can batch up dispatches as well.
source If you actually are concerned about reducer performance, you can use a utility such as redux-ignore or reduxr-scoped-reducer to ensure that only certain reducers listen to specific actions. You can also use redux-log-slow-reducers to do some performance benchmarking.
a single object tree that contains the state of the app.
helper function turns an object whose values are different reducing functions into a single reducing function you can pass to createStore.