
Notes for Codefellows Code 401 301 201 and 102

Readings Class 39: Redux - Additional Topics

What’s the best practice for “pre-loading” data into the store (on application start) in a Redux application?

Fire off the asynchronous action in the lifecycle method (probably componentWillMount) of a Higher Order Component that wraps your app. You will not use the results of the API call directly in that component - it needs to be handled with a reducer that puts it into your app store. This will require you to use some sort of a thunk middleware to handle the asynchronous action. Then you will use mapStateToProps to simply pass it down to the component that renders the data.

When using a thunk/async action that dispatches the actual action, which do you export from your reducer?

You export the thunk (async) action, which then dispatches the actual action locally.

Document the following Vocabulary Terms


code that runs between two functions - in the case of redux, code that is wrapped between our createStore() function and our connect() function.


a kind of middlware that evaluates an input and if that input is a function, runs the action with store.dispatch and store.getState as arguments, other wise just runs next with the action as parameter. CLEARTEXT - if its a function. run the function if its a regular object - hand off the object;


Preparation Materials

Alternative State Managers